When Will It Be Safe To Return Office Staff To Work?

A medical professional handling COVID-19 tests in a laboratory.

The government’s recent spring roadmap announced that people will be able to meet in groups and that non-essential businesses will be allowed to welcome their customers back in the next few months. Whilst non-essential businesses will be allowed to open their doors once more, they must maintain strict protocols set by the government’s COVID-19 guidelines. These measures include mandatory social distancing and the use of face masks. 

For employers who operate from offices, what does the spring roadmap means for you? The government hasn’t specifically announced any plans to allow employers to reopen their offices to staff, but with the successful rollout of millions of vaccinations, it looks promising for office staff. However, if you feel as an employer that your staff must return to their desks sooner, Cignpost Diagnostics can offer you a bespoke solution for returning staff to the office.

What date can office staff return?

Since there is no guarantee that COVID-19 will be eliminated from the general population, there is currently no specific date when staff can return to the office.  Despite the low infection rate, the government still recommends working from home where possible to prevent the spread of COVID-19 within your workforce. However, Cignpost Diagnostics understands that working from home is tough on your business. The lack of face-to-face contact between colleagues and management has been hard for office workers, in particular. If staff are to return to the workplace, offices need a plan to ensure staff are safe and healthy. Cignpost Diagnostics are pioneers when it comes to on-site COVID-19 testing and can bring mobile testing facilities to offices, allowing staff to work comfortably in a safe environment. 

What is on-site COVID-19 testing?

Businesses have to ensure the safety of their staff and that offices remain COVID-19-free environments. Cignpost Diagnostics can provide offices with rapid on-site testing facilities and return results to employers quickly. Cignpost Diagnostics’ rapid on-site testing solutions provide offices with:

  • Swab-to-result in as little as four hours

  • A fleet of mobile laboratories that are in line with strict biosafety standards

  • World-class CE-IVD equipment with gold-standard accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity

  • The installation of on-site laboratories which, with no couriers or delays, can be used immediately  

  • Schedules tailored to your office’s operational hours

What are on-site COVID-19 tests used for?

On-site COVID-19 tests are designed to test a large group of people in a short period of time. It is also a great way to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in situations where it is not possible to social distance or wear a face mask. This type of testing is ideal for offices because it allows employers to ensure the safety of employees while operating business as normal. It offers employers a lifeline to reopen their business and reconnect employees. Cignpost Diagnostics has successfully provided on-site testing for media productions (TV and film) and sporting events (football and golf tournaments). Whatever business you operate, Cignpost Diagnostics can offer a tailor-made COVID-19 testing solution to get your employees back to work. 

If you’re interested in the testing facilities offered by Cignpost Diagnostics, please fill in the form below to contact us and we will be happy to help you find the best solution for your situation.

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